Dealing with a Cold When Travelling

    Travelling in the middle of bad weather can weaken your immune system so it will be easier for you to catch a cold. It may sound like not big deal because a cold isn’t life-threatening condition. It can disappear in a day or two however, it still make you feel uncomfortable during your trip especially when you are all alone. It is better to have quick recovery rather than waiting for the cold to disappear by itself. Besides, catching a cold during your dream getaway will only ruin your mood because your body need different things with your mind. Your mind needs you to keep going while your body screaming to rest. It can be stressful to catch a cold in the middle of your trip because you also risk to lose opportunity to visit places or do activities you have been wanted.

    How to deal with a cold in the middle of your getaway

    Getting sick during vacation is not a cool thing. Stuffed nose, sore throat, and fever are uncomfortable experience when you catch a cold. Those can ruin your trip. Thus, you need to find effective solution for fast recovery from the cold.

    • Drink plenty of water because it can help your sore throat and dizziness. It also help improving your immune system because dehydration will only make your condition worse. Drink mineral water, juice, or isotonic to stay hydrated. Avoid drinking alcohol or coffee because they will only make it worse. You can drink herbal tea to sooth fatigue and soreness.
    • Eat something mild and soft so your body is not forced to digest harshly when your condition is unwell. It is highly recommended to eat soup to ease your stomach. It is highly advised to avoid eating foods with extreme temperature such as ice cream, spicy foods, etc. you need to minimize burden to your body so it has more energy to recover quickly. You can eat foods with a little bit of spice to help your body get some warmth. However, do not eat foods with extreme spiciness.
    • Rest well by sleeping at least 6 to 7 hours a day. Early sleep will also help your quick recovery. When you catch a cold, it is easy to feel exhausted but hard to sleep. Thus, you need to relax your body so you will be able to rest properly. You can drink warm milk before going to bed so sleepiness can come easier. It also help your body more relax. Keep yourself warm and avoid outdoor activities for a while so your body is not exposed to harsh weather.
    • Take medicine to fasten the process of recovery. A cold can disappear by itself but medicine can quicken the process. Thus, it is recommended to bring necessary medicine from your home for travelling just in case you catch a cold. Therefore, you don’t have to go to the drug store when it happens because you have already prepared with the medication in your luggage.