What To Prepare For Hiking In The Desert

    Hiking for some people brings its own joy and satisfaction regardless of how tiring it could be. Hiking requires good stamina because it can be draining for your body if you are not prepared yourself well. In addition, hiking can be a different experience depending on the place. Hiking is always correlated with mountains. However, mountains full of lush green are not the only destinations hikers could go to. Have you ever heard of hiking in a desert?

    What you need to hike a desert

    Desert environment is such a unique place full of its own charms. However, it is also pretty dangerous not only because of its harsh characteristics but also the wildlife living there such as scorpions, snakes, and other mysterious crawling animals. 

    Wear proper gears

    Th trails in the desert are a lot more challenging so prepare yourself with the right gears. Wear proper hiking shoes to protect your feet from extreme terrain. Proper shoes will also protect you from any potential danger of desert scorpion or tarantula. Wear clothes that fully cover yourself to avoid getting sunburn.  Choose the ones with breathable fabric to protect you from being easily overheating. 

    Carry water and stay hydrated

    No matter how short your outing will be in the desert, always carry water and keep yourself hydrated. It can be tricky to notice the sign of dehydration when you are in a desert. You are sweating but you may not realize you are overheating or dehydration because your sweat quickly evaporates. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it’s important to drink water regularly. 

    Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, sodas, and sugary drinks. Those can make you even more dehydrated. Dehydration is real danger in the desert and it can be the cause of your death. The air in the desert has no moisture so make sure to watch your water intake. 

    Use sunscreen 

    Fortunately, more people are getting aware of the importance of wearing sunscreen especially when going outside. Aside from preventing skin cancer, using sunscreen can help avoid sunburn which can be very painful. In the desert, you will get sunburn in just a matter of minutes. In fact, the sun in winter is a real danger. Summer is not the only time you are capable of getting sunburn in a desert. 

    Protect your head too

    Since the sun is very harsh in the desert, it’ strongly recommended to wear a hat during your hike. It’s to protect your face and head from sun exposure. The heat can be overwhelming and dangerous so a hat can help give extra protection from sunburn and sunstroke. 

    Stay on designated trails

    It’s easy to get lost in the desert even in places like national parks or nature preservation. Everything looks almost similar so it can be hard to differentiate your whereabouts without professional guide. Pay attention to the signs and carry your own map. Don’t rely on GPS since you may lose internet connection. Stay on designated trails and don’t touch anything especially crawling animals and cactus.