Some Popular Digital Marketing Examples On Internet

    For short, digital marketing is typically the recent most popular method to market the business on internet by making use of various media, strategy, and platforms. But if you are asking about its examples, that can be challenging since there are so many of them.

    Some popular digital marketing examples to follow and use for online business

    Therefore, I will only inform you some of the popular digital marketing examples that many businessmen are using as well as I am until today and will keep on continue using them in the future.

    1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Before, you may have been built your business website, right? The next challenge is how people will know about it and generating you more visitors from search engines (Google, Bing, yahoo, Yandex, etc) that will also means the more chance to make money from your business?

    The answer is the Search Engine Optimization. The thing is that, SEO is takes time and budget especially when you want many other sites will be referring your site pages from theirs. That will quite challenging since you may don’t have more unique and quality contents to be referred to.

    But, that’s what being said, it is one of the popular digital marketing examples on internet since years ago until today.

    2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    For the first point above and this one, there will be the same. It is about the usage of search engines especially Google and Bing that have their own ads platforms.

    But, let’s just focus on Google Ads since it is the most popular platform since years before.

    As the ads platform itself will be charged the advertises when the ads will be clicked by the audiences, it then called as the PPC (Pay Per Click). That’s how the ads system is working.

    But, even though you will spend your budget by paying for the ads space on search result of Google, you will still need the bid strategies, unique ad copy, keyword research and more to ensure that your ads will be shown up on the first top page of Google’s SERP.

    3. Facebook Ads Platform

    I should have called this point as the social media ads platforms. But, as Facebook ads is dominating the market, I think I won’t talk about the others. I mean, Instagram Ads is pretty much interesting tough, but it still not that popular.

    If you are thinking to ask the Internet Marketers, they will even recommending you to start getting use of the Facebook ads platform to market your business digitally. There are 3 main reasons why is that:

    1. Putting ads on Facebook is as easy as ABC.
    2. Cost-effective ads budget and even you will need less spent than you think.
    3. Billion of monthly users so you can reach more audiences.

    Both of the SEM and Facebook Ads platform can be started immediately even if you have not been in an online ads course before. I have done it myself so you are also possible to do the same.

    In fact, we have known that social media is also an awesome method to drive huge traffics to your website.

    4. Content Marketing

    Have you been reading about the blog posts that are recommending you to buy something from certain website and linking to it through the link with certain anchor text. That typical link is actually called as the backlink which is good for the targeted link in term of SEO.

    And that’s one of the relation about content marketing with SEO. But it doesn’t only work as that. The blog posts can also mean to promote the business site, the new arrival products and many things.

    And doing that is actually mean that the business owners will need to pay the blog owners the price for their content placements.

    Even if the business owners will using that in their own business site, it will mostly highlight the stories they need to share. It can be sad, motivated, or something else that can bring positive feedback for the business and will be shared by many others.

    5. Affiliate Marketing

    Have a business and need more people to be your sellers? Create the affiliate program in your site. The thing is, you may will need the great web developer team for that and you will really need to know the scale of your business.

    Wondering how this kind of digital marketing examples working? You may are familiar to e-Bay and Amazon. That the 2 bigger affiliate sites you can be inspired.

    Most of the marketplaces are also offering the same.

    6. Email Marketing

    The last popular digital marketing examples I’d like to tell you is emailing. It should have been on the top list as it is one of the oldest one.

    Many websites today keep on displaying the subscribe button or widget for a reason. People can change their phone number, the phone, even the living address. But, many of us at least have a single email address that we keep on using it since years ago and we are rarely to changed it except its password.

    So, reaching people through their email addresses are still important especially when they have subscribed in your site. They are interested about your business and they would love to know more in the future. That’s why they are giving your their emails.